"Oh!" Nyx jumped to her feet and ran from the room. "Well, if they make you more comfortable, go ahead and wear them," she said. All things considered, it probably would make things a little easier, especially around strange ponies. "My old glasses are gone, so I figured sunglasses were better than nothing." Her memory flashed back to the sight of the Cake twins seeing her without her eye-disguising glasses for the first time and wailing in fear. know some ponies are kinda weird about my eyes," she admitted, corner of her mouth twitching. They were enormous, horn rimmed things that nearly covered Nyx's entire face. "Um, yeah," she said, regarding the shades.
".What is that you're wearing?" she asked. Then she gave her daughter the once over. She gave the contents of Nyx's bag the once-over. Were they having a problem? She hoped it wasn't that sibling rivalry thing she'd read about in the books on parenting. And Nyx seemed to be a touch intimidated by it. What was that all about? Lately Spike seemed a bit, pardon the pun, prickly around Nyx. "'I'm sorry, Mom," the alicorn filly said. Nyx seemed a little cowed by it, drawing her hoof up and scratching the back of her leg. "Darn it, Spike, you and she were supposed to make a checklist of things she had to pack!" Twilight huffed. "She's old enough to pack her own bag," he said dismissively, scowling. "Spike," Twilight said over her shoulder, "You did go over what Nyx packed, didn't you?" "Three days ago!" No lie she'd even slept with the bulging bag next to her, in case something happened and they had to leave right then, in the dead of night. "When did you pack that?" Twilight stopped and asked.
Her brush and comb, her toothbrush, her towel(1), three extra vests just in case, her favorite book, her journal, her cutie mark crusader cape (2), her summer dress, her winter coat and boots(?), her Smarty Pants doll. "Nyx, why haven't you started packing your things yet?" Twilight said as she ran past in the opposite direction. Spike just rolled his eyes and decided to focus on his work. When Twilight had told her they were actually going there. She'd read the few books in the library about the wondrous sparkling kingdom, and listened to Twilight tell her stories about the time she and her friends went there to defeat King Sombra. "I've never been to the Crystal Empire before!" Which was more than obviously true. "Why do you keep saying that?" Spike groused irritably as he ran past, his arms loaded with- Nyx wasn't sure what. "We're going to the Crystal Empire!" She said for what had to be the hundredth time. Nyx stood in the middle of the room, watching them both trotting back and forth. "Snacks and munchies for train ride, check-" "Attic window open for Owlowiscious, check-" "Extra extra quills, extra extra parchment, check-" "Business suit for official meetings, check-" "Packed 'An Abridged Guide to the Dewhoof Decimal System,' check-" Peewee had given up on following either and was whirling around in a circle overhead, cheeping in excitement. Things were so urgent that she and Spike both had their own checklists and were running amuck trying to check them off.
💥 Download here for free!! IOS : goo.gl/yLDCwd Android : goo.Twilight dashed back and forth through the library, frantically trying to organize twenty different things simultaneously, with Spike alternately dogging at her heels and running off in his own direction. The winners will receive Fragment of Force, Fragment of Wisdom, and Fragment of Harmony (50 pieces each), and 300k Gold! Please note that incomplete comments will be disqualified. Do not forget to include your Game ID and Server in the comment! :: Rewards 20 Raiders will be picked among all comments. Upload the screenshot (With your IGN on it) along with your review concerning why she is a good Hero to be included in your team as a comment. Set Viska as a leader, and capture a screenshot.
::Period: 14th July – 23rd July, 2017 :: How to Participate: 1. She decided to join Kasel and others, since she thought she might have a chance to meet powerful Demon Army.
Her spikes exist to rip and tear through enemies. She traveled across the rift between dimensions to hunt down the powerful demons currently residing in the Material World. King's Raid - :: Hero Review Event #12 – Viska :: - The Demon Eater “Viska”- A rogue demon, aiming to devour other demons to raise her own power.